About the

Three Forks Treasure Hunters (Club) 

Three Forks Treasure Hunters Logo

Three Forks Treasure Hunters, established in 1984 in Muskogee, Oklahoma, is an organization of people that enjoy metal detecting and promote the hobby in the local community.

Our Leadership

The club leadership consists of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary / News Letter Editor, and several Board Members (all volunteer).

Our Mission

We collaborate in recovering relics, saving history, and fulfilling search requests for personal lost items. We have fun treasure hunting individually or as a group, mainly when it comes to metal detecting, but also in other various forms such as bottle digging, magnet fishing, gold panning & dredging, and searching for fossils, crystals, gems, diamonds and Native American artifacts. In addition to our monthly club meetings in Wagoner, Oklahoma, we have various fellowship events & adventure outings throughout the year.

"The Outpost" Newsletter Archive

  • Our Meetings

    During our monthly meetings, raffle tickets are sold for a chance to win various member and club donated prizes. Visitors are welcome to participate.

    Members can compete for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place in the Find of the Month competition, where we enter our best finds that month for a chance to win silver coins. Judges pick the winners for each of a number of categories (i.e. oldest coin, most valuable coin, best military relic, etc.) for two divisions of detectorist, Amateur and Pro. The overall best find in any category for Find Of The Month is awarded the Golden Eagle Trophy (and bragging rights).

    Members also bring their finds displays, showing off more of what they have found since the last meeting, and the membership votes on their favorites.

    Points are scored for entries by all monthly participants and are counted at the end of the year to find the overall 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place FOTM winner in the Amateur and Pro Divisions.

    finds display with relics

    The winners are announced at the annual Christmas Party (which involves lots of great food, raffles, and prizes), along with the Find Of The Year winners in each respective category determined by judges' and members' votes. Members finally vote on the very best Find Of The Year, and that person receives the Grand Champion award.

    The Club meets on the 1st Friday of every month at 7:30pm (subject to change so verify on the Facebook page).

    Location: Wagoner Community Building, 102 N Jefferson Ave, Wagoner, OK 74467 (North Jefferson Ave & E Cherokee St)

    If any of this sounds like fun, come join us to see what the club is like, and at the very least, have a some cookies on us!

    How To Become A Member

    DUES are $25 per family (for each household) for the whole year.

    First, visit us and be our guest at one of our monthly meetings. Then, if you decide to join, you can pay your membership fee while you're there. 

    If you are not paying cash, make your check or money order out to Three Forks Treasure Hunters Club. You can also mail your check or money order to:  Three Forks Treasure Hunters Club, P.O. Box 753, Wagoner, OK 74477-0753

    Membership dues help the club operate, as well as add silver coins and prizes to the club hunts. With paid membership, you get to attend the Member-Only club activities and you can access the members' Private Facebook Group where additional hunt opportunities may be posted.

    facebook fanpage


    ANYBODY can Like & Follow us on our Facebook Fan Page:

    "Three Forks Treasure Hunters Club" By clicking the Link Below

  • Get the most up to date information on our upcoming activities

  • Find out when there is an event time change or cancellation

  • See photos posted from previous meetings and events

  • Click Here to Check Out Our Facebook Fan Page

    Mailing Address:

    Three Forks Treasure Hunters

    PO Box 753

    Wagoner, OK 74477-0753



    Three Forks Treasure Hunters is a 501(c)(7) organization, therefore donations are not tax deductible (unfortunately).

    Copyright 2025 Three Forks Treasure Hunters Club. All rights reserved.  |   Privacy Policy    Terms of Use